

GUI galore!

I’ve just released an update for ServerPackCreator which adds a GUI to the whole thing! Not to worry though. ServerPackCreator still supports being run via CLI, as you can see in the screenshot above.To continue using it via CLI, you…

Updates to ServerPackCreator

ServerPackCreator has reached version 1.3.1! The biggest new feature is generating a configuration file step-by-step, if none can be found when first starting ServerpackCreator. You will be asked to enter all the necessary information one by one, will then be…

Create your server pack with ServerPackCreator

ServerPackCreator is a Command Line Program(CLI) which aims to create a serverpack for any given modpack, thus making modpack-developing, or at least a part of it, a little less time-consuming. You customize the configuration to your liking and off you…

MonitoRSS-Clone Webinterface and Bot

MonitoRSS-Clone A control panel for the news-delivering MonitoRSS (formerly known as Discord.RSS) bot. Creates a Container which runs synzen’s MonitoRSS-Clone, with lsiobase/alpine as the base image, as seen on  The lsiobase/alpine image is a custom base image built with Alpine linux and S6 overlay. Using this image allows us…


A discord bot, which informs users about new files of specific mods or Curseforge projects in general. Creates a Container which runs ErdbeerbaerLP’s Curseforge-Bot, with lsiobase/alpine as the base image, as seen on The lsiobase/alpine image is a custom…

Survive Create Prosper 4 updated to 4.5.5

I’ve released a small update which mostly focuses on updating mods. I’ve only added one mod so far. Said mod is still in beta, but I couldn’t wait to include it. The mod in question is Enhanced Celestials by Corgi…

Survive Create Prosper 4 updated to 4.4.4

I have released an update to Survive Create Prosper 4. This update focuses on expanding and adding content to existing areas of the game.Akashic Tome and Morph-O-Tool for example, allow you to collect all the important books and tools into…