

Active GitHub Forks Docker Container Revisited

docker-Active-GitHub-Forks This project allows you to find the most active forks of a repository. Creates a Container which runs techgaun’s active-forks, with lsiobase/nginx as the base image, as seen on The lasiobase/nginx image is a custom base image built…

Triangulator Docker Container Revisited

docker-triangulator Delaunay triangulation image generator. Creates a Container which runs maeglin89273’s triangulator, with lsiobase/nginx as the base image, as seen on The lasiobase/nginx image is a custom base image built with Alpine linux and S6 overlay.Using this image allows…

ICEcoder Docker Container Revisited

ICEcoder is a browser based code editor, which provides a modern approach to building websites. By allowing you to code directly within the web browser, online or offline, it means you only need one program (your browser) to develop sites,…

D-Zone Docker Container Revisited

D-Zone is a graphical simulation meant to abstractly represent the activity in your Discord server. This is not meant for any actual monitoring or diagnostics, only an experiment in the abstraction of chatroom data represented via autonomous characters in a…

Triangulator Docker Container

in a container! Creates a Container which runs maeglin89273’s triangulator’s, a fork of javierbyte triangulator, with httpd:alpine as the base image. The original can be seen on Deploy with docker-compose: Deploy on Rasbperry Pi Using the Dockerfile, this…

Active GitHub Forks Docker Container

Creates a Container which runs techgaun’s Active GitHub Forks, with httpd:alpine as the base image, as seen on Deploy with docker-compose: Deploy on Rasbperry Pi Using the Dockerfile, this container can be built and run on a Raspberry Pi,… Docker Container

Creates a Container which runs digitalocean’s with, node:10.19.0-alpine as the base image, as seen on Deploy with docker-compose: Deploy on Rasbperry Pi Using this repository, this container can be built and run on a Raspberry Pi, too! I’ve…

D-Zone Docker Container

D-Zone is a graphical simulation meant to abstractly represent the activity in your Discord server. This is not meant for any actual monitoring or diagnostics, only an experiment in the abstraction of chatroom data represented via autonomous characters in a scene.…

Minecraft Modpack Survive Create Prosper

Quite some time ago I’ve compiled my own Minecraft Modpack, about two years ago in fact. A lot has changed since then. I’ve got my own website, got engaged, started my apprenticeship…Life is pretty good right now. Anyway, since the…

dcc Docker Container

I’ve made a docker container for another docker run to docker-compose converter I found on GitHub. Copy Pasta of my README from : Creates a Container which runs bucherfa dcc-web, with httpd:alpine as the base image, as seen on …