Welcome to my homepage!
My name’s Griefed, I’m from planet Earth, Sol System, Milky Way, Universe.
(That means it’s none of your business where I am from)
I love to take care of my Minecraft Modpack SCP – Survive Create Prosper,
I love creating and taking care of my Docker Container Images in my spare time,
of which the source code can be viewed on GitHub,
and I have a strong love for all forms of Retro Hardware & Gaming.

The continuation of Survive Create Prosper 3 for Minecraft 1.16.5.
Survive Create Prosper 4 offers a variety of mods which add new content, functionality, experiences and enhance the experience you’re used to from vanilla Minecraft.
It aims to expand the world with technology, magic, exploration and adventure without outstaying its welcome.
Biomes O’Plenty, Oh The Biomes You Will Go To, Traverse and more expand the world of Minecraft with beautiful new biomes.
Applied Energistics, Immersive Engineering / Petroleum / Railroading, Extreme Reactors, SecurityCraft and more aim to satisfy your technologie needs whilst staying immersive.
Botania, Blood Magic, Psi and other mods aim to quell your hunger for magical prowess.
A variety of useful & decorative or cool mods like Artifacts, Camera Mod, Cooking for Blockheads, Macaw’s mods, Paintings++ and loads more add to the world, so you will always have something to explore, build, decorate or create.
That’s just a small example of what’s included in SCP
So go ahead and give it a try!

DockerHub and GitHub
I like to create Docker images for useful things in my spare time. There’s a Docker container for the web-based IDE ICEcoder, another fun example would be D-Zone, which is “a graphical simulation meant to abstractly represent the activity in your Discord server” with a very cute style to it.
The container I am most proud of though, would be my App-Collection.
App-Collection is, as the name implies, a collection of various apps which I have previously released in separate Docker Containers and am now moving/collecing into one single container.

Retro Computer Fun!
I mentioned Retro Hardware and Gaming earlier . I’ve made a small addon board for the C64 which boasts multiple features:
1. A Larson Scanner which lights up the air gaps on the top of your C64 case in a sweet Knight Rider or Cylon (Battlestar Galactica) way, with RGB LEDs, so you can configure it to your liking!
2. An Expansion Port reset circuit. You just need to connect a button and off you go! Reset your C64 with the press of a button!
3. A CPU brake: Throttle your CPU and slow down your game during the really tricky bits!
4. Mono & Stereo Headphone Amp. Listen to the beautiful SID sounds with your headphones. Either in mono or in stereo, if you have an FPGA SID!
It is still very much a WIP as I currently lack the funds to procure the PCB, the parts and equipment needed to assemble one and test it. That means that the code to adress the LEDs has yet to be implemented as well.

Want to get in touch with me?
With all the different services, platforms and social media places going on nowadays, there’s enough places where you can get in touch with me.
Just do the right thing and don’t be a creep, mkay?
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